OAS-CICAD and SENAPRED conclude International Cooperation Agreement

Last year, the Federal Government published the Decree establishing the New National Drug Policy, which seeks to provide more effectiveness in coping with drugs, in the prevention of the use of these substances and in the recovery of drug addicts.
The actions carried out by the Federal Government, based on the guidelines of the New National Drug Policy, have been based on scientific evidence, focusing on best practices. In this scenario, then, the Federal Government has sought to partner with entities that also work in this perspective.
In view of this, the Ministry of Citizenship,through the National Secretariat for Drug Care and Prevention (SENAPRED),signed yesterday, July 2, 2020, an International Cooperation Agreement with the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), through the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission for the Control of Drug Abuse (CICAD).
The objective of this cooperation is to work to strengthen actions to prevent drug use, treatment, social reintegration of drug addicts and support their families, as well as to develop projects and programs to improve the quality of these actions in our country, with regard to the reduction of drug demand.
Such actions will focus on the training and training of people working in the area of chemical dependence, scientific research and information sharing between CICAD/OAS and Brazil.
With this, the Ministry of Citizenship advances in its actions in reducing drug demand. This partnership is also a great advance for our country, as it allows Brazil to become part of the international scenario, sharing its good practices in Public Policies on Drugs.
The Signing Ceremony of an International Cooperation Agreement between the Ministry of Citizenship, through the National Secretariat for Drug Care and Prevention (SENAPRED), and the General Secretariat of the Organization of American States (OAS), through the Executive Secretariat of the Inter-American Commission for the Control of Drug Abuse (CICAD), held online, can be followed live and had the participation of :
Luis Almagro - Secretary General of the OAS;
Farah Diva Urrutia - OAS Multidimensional Security Secretary;
Adam Namm – Ambassador and Executive Secretary of CICAD;
Jimena Kalawski - CICAD's Director of Demand Reduction;
Fernando Simas Magalhães – Ambassador and permanent representative of Brazil to the OAS;
Dr. Sérgio Queiroz - Special Secretary for Social Development of the Ministry of Citizenship and
Dr. Quirino Cordeiro Junior - National Secretary of Drug Care and Prevention, Ministry of Health.
Watch in full the Signing Ceremony of the International Agreement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK-vaWyzH1E&feature=youtu.be