Webinar on Addiction Prevention for Youth

The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Indonesia and the Indonesia International Training and Treatment Centre (ITTC) together hosted the second webinar on "Addiction Prevention for Youth" on Sunday, May 21, 2023. The webinar's objectives included fostering collaboration among professionals in the sector and educating young people about addiction.
Three notable speakers who are experts in the field of addiction prevention spoke at the event. Students Against Destructive Decisions (American SADD) members Louie Pratt and Lauren Zimmerman-Meade gave a presentation titled "Proud to be Drug-Free: Using SADD for Peer-to-Peer Prevention." They discussed how peer-to-peer assistance might help young people make wise decisions and stay away from drugs.
During the demographic bonus time, Eva Fitri Yuanita, a representative of the Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) in Indonesia, addressed the crucial issue of drug trafficking that specifically targets the Indonesian young. Her speech, "The Challenge of Overcoming Narcotics Trafficking That Targets Indonesian Youths Who Are in Demographic Bonus," highlighted the challenges associated with combating drug abuse among Indonesian youth.
The webinar attracted a diverse audience consisting of doctors, psychiatrists, medical professionals, addiction counselors, and students. The participation of these important stakeholders facilitated knowledge sharing and collaboration to strengthen efforts in addiction prevention and ensure the well-being of young people. The Indonesia ITTC and ISSUP Indonesia expressed their commitment to organizing similar events in the future to address the pressing issue of addiction and work towards a healthier future for the younger generation.