drug markets

EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis

Illicit drugs are big business. They are one of the main profit-generating activities of organised crime and are estimated to represent around one-fifth of global crime proceeds. 'EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis' is the fourth...

Drug-related homicide in Europe: data protocol

This report is part of the EMCDDA activity around the development and improvement of drug supply indicators, which are designed to reflect developments in drug markets as well as the markets’ wider harms and impact. The protocol in this...

UNODC World Drug Report 2018

The 2018 World Drug Report was launched on 26th June. The report covers a range of topics with the booklets split into drug demand and supply, drug markets, drugs and age, and women and drugs. The booklets are all available free to access...
World Drug Report 2018 booklet covers

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