drug use disorders

Benzodiazepine Use Is High while Use Disorder Rates Are Low

Scientific article
Benzodiazepines, such as sedatives and sleeping aids, are a widely prescribed group of medicines designed for short-term treatment. Although most people manage benzodiazepines as prescribed, some individuals misuse the drugs and can develop...

Guidelines on Drug Prevention and Treatment for Girls and Women

The publication Guidelines on Drug Prevention and Treatment for Girls and Women by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) discusses alcohol and drug use prevalence and trends among girls and women globally. The document...

Acculturation and Drug Use Disorders among Hispanics in the U.S.

Scientific article
Abstract The authors’ objective was to examine the relationship between degree of acculturation across five different dimensions of acculturation and risk of drug use disorders (DUD) among US Hispanics. Data were derived from a large...

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