
#DontPinkMyDrink Campaign

After years of objectifying and sexualising women in their advertising, the alcohol industry is now targeting women more directly, linking their products to women's friendships, feminism and empowerment. However, women’s empowerment will...

Alcohol Advertising Compliance on Cable Television

Scientific article
This report is the ninth in a series of quarterly reports that assess non-compliant alcohol advertising on cable TV based on the “no buy” list criteria and how this non-compliance varies by program, cable network and daypart. In the 2-year...

"Does Red Bull Give Vodka Wings?"

Scientific article
New research that will be published in the new edition of the Journal of Consumer Psychology sets out to answer the question: ‘Does Red Bull Give Wings to Vodka?’ "Red Bull has long used the slogan 'Red Bull gives you wings,' but our study...

Alcohol Advertising Linked to Youth Drinking

Health researchers worldwide have provided new evidence suggesting that alcohol advertising is often aggressive, reaching children, and is linked with youth drinking. The Australian organisation, the National Alliance for Action on Alcohol...

Social Media, Sport and Alcohol Advertising

Scientific article
A new study published in the Drug and Alcohol Review examines the social media presence of alcohol brands that sponsor spectator sports in Australia. It highlights the way in which these brands use sport and social media in their...

Underage Drinking Influenced by Alcohol Marketing

Scientific article
A new study has found that exposure to alcohol marketing increases the amount and frequency of drinking among young people across Europe. More than 9,000 students in the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and Poland provided information about...

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