overdose deaths

Intentional Drug Overdose Deaths in the United States

Scientific article
During 1999–2019, age-adjusted rates of U.S. drug-involved overdose deaths more than tripled from 6.1 to 21.6 per 100,000 (1), and suicide rates (driven primarily by firearm suicide) increased 35.2% from 10.5 to 13.9 per 100,000 (2)...

Incidence and Lethality of Suicidal Overdoses by Drug Class

Scientific article
Abstract Importance Prior lethality analyses of suicide means have historically treated drug poisoning other than alcohol poisoning as a lumped category. Assessing risk by drug class permits better assessment of prevention opportunities...

Confluence of Suicide and Drug Overdose Epidemics in Young Australian Males

Event Date

Young adult males experience higher mortality than females, and in age groups immediately younger and older, and with considerable variation in death rates over time. Trends in mortality and the causal structure of deaths among young adult Australian males over 1979–2011 are investigated, with a focus on suicide and drug overdose.

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