United States

The Environmental Impact of Drugs

Video and audio recordings
DFAF's short video highlights the concerns related to environmental destruction due to drug cultivation and production.

The Environmental Impact of Drugs

Video and audio recordings
DFAF's short video highlights the concerns related to environmental destruction due to drug cultivation and production.
The Environmental Impact of Drugs

WEBINAR: Ken C. Winters on Adolescent Brain Development

ISSUP Webinar
How does substance use affect the developing brain? What implications does the evidence have for substance use prevention and treatment? Our first Expert Days webinar explores several issues at the intersection of teenage brain development...

Prevention and Treatment of Opioid Misuse and Addiction

Scientific article
This paper provides many pieces of research in the search for the most effective treatments for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). They touch on the effectiveness of Medication-Assisted Treatment. The authors also describe the most at-risk...

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