Harmful Use of Technological Devices and Substance Consumption. Part II “Early Start of Consumption and the Harmful Use of ICT”

ISSUP Argentina cordially invites you to Part II of its two-part webinar series on harmful use of technological devices and substance use in children and adolescents.
12:00 PM Hora de Argentina | 3:00 PM UK time
Register for this Webinar
Part II of the Webinar will focus on accounting for the growing digitalization of ties in adolescence through the use of ICT and the negative effects that can generate, among them, the acceleration of the early onset of alcohol consumption and other psychoactive substances.
Target audience:
Aimed at all people who work in the field of Mental Health and Addictions.
Dr. Nicolás Poliansky PhD. Psychologist. Investigator. Member of the Argentine Chapter of ISSUP. Global Trainer on Drug Demand Reduction Prevention and Treatment (UNODC-ISSUP-CICAD) Master Trainer of the Colombo Plan, Drug Advisory Program (DAP), CHILD Program (Child Intervention for Living Drug-Free). Full Professor at UMSA.
Dr. Verónica Brasesco PhD. Doctor in Psychology, University of Bologna, Italy. Specialist in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, R. Gutiérrez Children's Hospital, Buenos Aires.
Graduate and Postgraduate Professor.
Webinars and online events presented and organized by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.