
ISSUP The Gambia celebrates World Drug Day 2024

With support from IDPC - Support Don’t Punish, ISSUP The Gambia celebrated World Drug Day 2024. The theme for World Drug Day 2024 was "The evidence is clear: Invest in prevention". The event focused on


World drug day 2024

Support from IDPC , support Don’t Punish ISSUP The Gambia celebrated world drug day 2024 on The theme on


ISSUP Gambia Officials Pay Courtesy Visit to ISSUP Kaduna Coordinator

Executive Director Alasana Drammeh and General Secretary Mamudou Jallow of the ISSUP Gambia Chapter recently paid a courtesy call to the ISSUP Kaduna Coordinator Professor Ronke Grace Awopetu who is currently in the Gambia as part of a team of 15 Nigerian professors and doctors sent to support the University of the Gambia (UTG). 


Cigarette/Nicotine use - a Gateway to other drug use?

ISSUP The Gambia would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on Cigarette/Nicotine use.

ISSUP Gambia Chapter Launches “Don’t Touch” Campaign for Young Children

The ISSUP Gambia Chapter on Friday, November 25th launched a substance awareness campaign dubbed “Don’t Touch” for young children at the Sarah Kindergarten and Primary School in Lamin, in the West Coast Region of the Gambia.


The ISSUP Gambia National Chapter Ends Celebrations Marking World Drug Day with A School Visit

With assistance from the Support. Don’t Punish Campaign, the ISSUP Gambia National Chapter organized a school intervention program as part of its commemorations marking the International Day Against


The ISSUP Gambia National Chapter Holds Workshop to Commemorate World Drug Day

As part of its day’s long event celebrating the International Day Against


ISSUP Gambia National Chapter Hosts Football Tournament to Mark World Drug Day

The ISSUP Gambia National Chapter joined the rest of the world on Sunday, June 26th, 2022 to celebrate the International Day Against


DLEAG launches Bakoteh school drug free club chapter

Bakoteh Upper and Senior Secondary School in partnership with Drug Law Enforcement Agency - The Gambia (DLEAG) through the


ISSUP National Chapter Launched in the Gambia

The Gambia has finally joined the prestigious list of countries forming the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP). The small West African country recently formalized its membership in the global


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