Prof Dr Kamal Krishna Banik MD Pharm.D PhD DSc

Evidence Based Treatment Against DUD

Prof Dr Kamal Krishna Banik MD Pharm.D PhD DSc - 9 March 2022

Prof Dr Kamal Krishna Banik Consultant Physician Nutritionist and Neuropsychologist Fellowship WHO GOI AWARD WINNER RI DIST 3291

Prof Dr Kamal …

I Am Born For The Sake Of Other, My Absolute Oath Motto and Mission to Serve the Down-trodden People and Save the Valueable Lives

Prof Dr Kamal Krishna Banik Consultant Physician Nutritionist and Neuropsychologist Fellowship WHO GOI

DDR Professional Member of ISSUP-UNODC-WHO

Annata Evan

Evidence-based treatments include the following: CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy): Based on the amount of studies that prove its effectiveness for a wide range of disorders, connections nyt  this technique is regarded the gold standard in mental health.