Mental Health For All Conference 2017

Toronto, Canada,

Change is in the air for mental health in Canada – you can feel it. But it will take the entire nation to harness those winds of change and make it real.

That’s why the theme of the second annual MH4A Conference 2017 is 'It takes a nation'.

Here’s what we mean: we mean that mental health transformation requires the whole of government and the whole of Canada to implement solutions to problems that are already well understood. We mean that transforming our mental health response isn’t just about Health. It’s about investments in housing through social infrastructure; it’s about a continuum of employment supports. It’s about promoting mental health in schools and in workplaces. And it is about addressing the needs and leveraging the strengths of our diverse population.

So while we’re calling on all governments for leadership and action, including proportional investment, we’re also calling out to you: to people with lived experience, people providing services on the frontlines and in your offices, researchers, policy and decision-makers, and funders.

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