Men’s Alcohol Consumption When Becoming a Father


Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), the Scottish Alcohol Research Network (SARN) and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS) warmly invite you to join us online on Thursday 25 February from 12:30-14:00 GMT for the second Alcohol Occasionals event of 2021.

Dr Elena Dimova, Glasgow Caledonian University, will deliver a presentation entitled: "Exploring men’s alcohol consumption in the context of becoming a father: A scoping review" and we will then open to Q+A and wider discussion.

Relevance to the theme of alcohol and inequalities: 

  • Men are more likely than women to drink at hazardous/harmful levels and to suffer from alcohol-related harm. This is particularly pronounced in men from lower socio-economic backgrounds, as alcohol-related deaths increase with decreasing socio-economic status.
  • There is also a gender inequality in relation to men’s involvement in family planning and antenatal care. Opportunities to support the whole family during pregnancy are often missed, which can compromise not only maternal and infant health outcomes, but may also perpetuate the social and personal obstacles that can disconnect men from their role as fathers. Men from lower socio-economic backgrounds are likely to be the most negatively affected.
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