Join us this year for: Guam's Fourth Annual Conference on Substance Use Disorders Among Pacific Islanders
View the Updated Agenda Here:
**ALL workshops offer one (1) CE Credit
Register for This Free Live Virtual Conference at: https://events.zoom.us/ev/AlX5raOw8ILi5mGm2V_5LcLCviqjJIlNmehHjVpvHy9Q09Hgbw7K~AggLXsr32QYFjq8BlYLZ5I06Dg
[1D] The Day 1 AM Workshop includes a special presentation on ‘Update on Emerging Drug Contaminants: Xylazine’ by Claire Zagorski, MSc, LP
[2E] The Day 1 PM Workshop includes a special presentation on ‘What Does NOT Work in Prevention’ by Alyssa O'Hair, MPH, MA, CPS, PI/Project Director, Pacific Southwest PTTC at CASAT, School of Public Health, University of Nevada, Reno
[3B] The Day 2 AM Workshop includes a special presentation on ‘Toxic Stress Management and Avoiding Burn-Out: How to Sustain Wellness in our Work’ by Brooke Briggance, BA, Program Director at Cypress Resilience Project - Public Health Institute
[4F] The Day 2 PM Workshop includes a special presentation on ‘Addressing Co-Occurring Substance Use, Mental Health, and Sexual Health Issues Among Vulnerable Populations Across Southeast Asia’ by Chunqing Lin, PhD, Researchers & Associate Professor-in-Residence at University of California, Los Angeles, Awirut Oon-arom, MD, Assistant Professor at Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Apinun Aramrattana, MD, PhD Assistant Professor at Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University & Imelda Indriyani, MD, Addiction Psychiatrist at "Indonesia Drug Dependence Hospital, Jakarta
The Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center and Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center cordially invite you to register for Guam’s Fourth Annual Conference on Substance Use Disorders among Pacific Islanders. This live virtual conference is available at no-cost and is scheduled to take place during National Recovery Month on September 27-28, 2023 from 8:00am-2:30pm ChST. *Refer to the Time Zone Conversion Chart below to find your specific time zone.
Additional details related to session topics and presenters will be circulated in the coming weeks.

Earn up to 8.0 CE/CMEs while attending presentations in the following featured tracks:
Clinical Interventions - Emerging Issues in Behavioral Health Care - Mental Health
Opioids, Stimulants, and other Emerging Trends in the Pacific Populations with Specific Service Needs - Prevention - Women, Children, and Families