UTC 1 and 2 Training for Tanzania National Trainers SUD Professionals

ICCE conducted its first training in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania from 22nd February to 3rd of March 2016 at Kunduchi Beach Hotel. The 9-day training was planned to introduce the 15 participants from various professional sectors to the science of addiction, the basics of physiology and pharmacology and components of treatment.
The training was funded by the US Department of State and organised in collaboration with the Republic of Tanzania Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The prime goal of the training programme was to train local addiction treatment practitioners with up-to-date knowledge of evidence-based practices in addiction treatment and help them to integrate these routines into their clinical practice. The training included teach back sessions whereby participants were able to demonstrate their capacity to disseminate the content in the echo trainings to be organised by them in the future.
Participants’ acquisition skills and knowledge were measured through pre and post-tests. Results from the pre-tests to post-tests revealed an improvement of 22.3% and 27% in UTC 1 and UTC 2 respectively. The training materials were rated by 87% of the participants as excellent. All participants felt that the objectives of the training had been met, and that they had acquired skills and knowledge relevant to their current work. “The training is structured, participatory and interesting to learn,” commented one participant.
They further stated that the training materials such as trainer and participants’ manuals were useful and user-friendly and that ICCE organised and coordinated the training well. Recommendations were made for all the cycles and the credentialing examination to be conducted within one year from commencing. Proposals were also made for the prevention Science Course to be introduced in Tanzania so that the large number of people with substance use disorders can be reduced. With the received recommendations the first Tanzanian echo training was completed on a positive note.