ISSUP Webinar
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ISSUP Colombia

Stigma of health and psychosocial professionals towards people who use drugs

ISSUP Colombia is pleased to present its Webinar on Stigma.

It is widely recognized that the stigma towards People who Use Drugs (PUD) is a generator of inequalities, social exclusion, and discrimination (RIOD, 2019b), as well as an important generator of exclusion that limits access to health services (Organization Pan American health World Health Organization, 2005; Tirado, A., 2019), which contributes to the detriment of people's possibility of recovery and affects their rights (Vásquez & Stolkiner, 2009).

Likewise, stigmatizing attitudes of health personnel towards users with different health problems have been reported, finding that the consumption of tobacco, marijuana, cocaine and alcohol were the most judged behaviors (Ronzani et al, 2009), which suggests differential treatment. between drug use problems and other health problems, making many health and social science professionals not very willing to care for patients with addictions (McLaughlin et al, 2006).

In this sense, the Webinar aims to take into consideration findings from local (Medellín-Colombia) and international research that show how the stigmatizing attitudes of professionals who have contact with people who use drugs affect their professional practice.


Andrés Felipe Tirado Otálvaro. Ph.D.

Doctor in Public Health. Full Professor, Faculty of Nursing, Care Research Group. Pontifical Bolivarian University. Medellin Colombia

Silverio Espinal.

Psychologist. Head of the Technical Division. Arise Corporation. Medellin Colombia


Webinars and online events delivered and hosted by the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) are provided for informational purposes only. They are educational in nature and do not constitute medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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