ICUDDR, ISSUP and ISAM are pleased to present their collaborative webinar on Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Management: A Tool for Global Practice Settings.
Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Management: A Tool for Global Practice Settings
ICUDDR, ISSUP and ISAM would like to invite you to their upcoming collaborative webinar on Outpatient Alcohol Withdrawal Management: A Tool for Global Practice Settings.

An overview of global homelessness and strategies for systemic change
The Institute of Global Homelessness (IGH) drives a global movement to end street homelessness. Their vision is a world where everyone has a home that offers security, safety, autonomy, and opportunity. This paper, published by IGH...
Global Drug Survey 2020
Global Drug Survey (GDS) runs the world’s largest survey. GDS believes that the expertise and experience of people who use alcohol and other drugs can be used to inform the creation of better drug policy. The GDS 2020 includes data from...

Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment 2020
The Global Synthetic Drugs Assessment 2020 provides an analysis of the global synthetic drugs market. The first part of this report provides options for responses to counter the synthetic drug problem. The second part presents a global...
Global Drug Survey 2021
The Global Drug Survey uses an anonymous online survey to conduct the world’s biggest drug survey. The annual GDS survey runs from the middle of November each year for approximately 6 weeks. GDS partners with global media giants to act as...

NGO Marketplace
The NGO Marketplace is a joint project of the UNODC Civil Society Team and the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs and was first launched in 2016. The NGO Marketplace is an innovative online global platform to assist the international community...

National, Regional, and Global Burdens of Disease from 2000 to 2016 Attributable to Alcohol Use: A Comparative Risk Assessment Study
Open Access article Abstract: Background Alcohol use has increased globally, with varying trends in different parts of the world. This study investigates gender, age, and geographical differences in the alcohol-attributable burden of...
Global Festival of Action
The SDG Global Festival of Action is a ground-breaking annual event, designed by and for the SDG Action community and powered by the UN SDG Action Campaign with the support of the German BMZ, the German Federal Foreign Office and other partners with the overall aim of inspiring action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Associations between National Development Indicators and the Age Profile of People who Inject Drugs: Results from a Global Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Abstract: Background Globally, an estimated 15·6 million people inject drugs. We aimed to investigate global variation in the age profile of people who inject drugs (PWID), identify country-level factors associated with age of PWID, and...