public health policy

Review of Alternatives to Incarceration Efforts Worldwide

Scientific article
Research from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in partnership with the Department of State’s Diplomacy Lab Project on the readiness of countries to expand alternatives to incarceration (ATIs) for persons with substance use disorders (SUDs).
John Jay College of Criminal Justice ISSUP

WEBINAR: 'Mental Health Systems' Response to Public Health Emergencies.'

Event Date
United States

Public health emergencies can render several challenges for mental health facilities' capacity to provide care to the populations they serve. Administrators and providers can take crucial steps to prepare for these emergencies and respond when they occur.


Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol

Despite efforts to reduce concerning levels of alcohol consumption in Europe through adopting the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region continues to have the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol...

Keynote Presentations: 9th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

The Ninth EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting took place October 24th – 26th 2018, Lisbon, Portugal. The focus of the event was Prevention Technologies – Improving the Use of Evidence in Prevention Practice. Academics, researchers, policy...

Smoking and Obesity in Chile’s Third National Health Survey

Scientific article
ABSTRACT The Chilean Ministry of Health recently disclosed the first results of the 2016–2017 National Health Survey (Encuesta Nacional de Salud, ENS). The survey was cross-sectional and used a multistage stratified random sampling strategy...

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