
Take our member survey today!

Your insights matter, and we invite you to take our 2023 Member Survey. We understand the importance of accessibility, and the survey is also available in Spanish.
ISSUP Member Survey 2023

Global Drug Survey 2020

Global Drug Survey (GDS) runs the world’s largest survey. GDS believes that the expertise and experience of people who use alcohol and other drugs can be used to inform the creation of better drug policy. The GDS 2020 includes data from...

National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019

Summary Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drug use can place a heavy burden on individuals, families and society. The health, social and economic effects are diverse and substantial, and include disease and injury, mental health conditions, road...

The Pandemic Project Covid Survey

The Pandemic Project is a social psychology initiative that is studying how our everyday lives are affected by the coronavirus outbreak. For many of us, our worlds, our work, and our social relationships are changing. The research team...
Pandemic Project

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