Prevention of Substance Use Based on Evidence and Cultural Adaptation

This presentation will give a brief summary of the meaning of evidence-based prevention, what interventions consist of, and the scope they may have. In the same way, there will also be a review of the learnings and outcomes that both prevention practice and research have left, as well as the barriers that are imposed for the implementation of these interventions.
Keepin'it REAL (KiR), a prevention program that teaches life strategies to young people between the ages of 12 and 14, will be talked about.
Time: May 19, 2020 12:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Welcome words:
Adam Namm, CICAD Executive Secretary
Jimena Kalawski, Head of CICAD's Demand Reduction Unit
Dr. Flavio Marsiglia – Director, Global Center for Applied Health Research – Arizona State University
Maria Paula Luna – Director of Professional Development – Applied Prevention Science International (APSI)
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