ISSUP presents its webinar on Interventions in Substance Use Disorders (SUD) with experts from Uruguay: A view from Psychology and Neuroscience.
Interventions in Substance Use Disorders (SUD): A View from Psychology and Neuroscience
ISSUP cordially invites you to a webinar on Interventions in Substance Use Disorders (SUD): A View from Psychology and Neuroscience

ISAM neuroscience interest group webinar series
In ISAM-NIG's new monthly talk series "In Love with Addiction Neuroscience”, addiction neuroscientists from across the world share their personal stories/experiences on the beauty of addiction neuroscience and how/why they have decided to...

Neurofeedback for opioid dependent patients in an outpatient setting: a pilot feasibility study
Background When used in combination with other therapies for drug use disorders, neurofeedback (NF) has been classified as "probably effective," according to recent research in the community of people with opioid use disorder. Despite these...
From binge eating to binge drinking: A new and robust paradigm for assessing binge ethanol self-administration in male rats
Abstract Animal models of alcohol (ethanol) self-administration are crucial to dissect the neurobiological mechanisms underlying alcohol dependence, yet only a few of these induce pharmacologically relevant levels of alcohol consumption and...
Un Enfoque Neurocientífico de la Adicción y su Prevención
Registro gratuito en:
Lunes 6 de diciembre del 2021, a partir de las 17:00 (hora de la Ciudad de México)

In-Love with Addiction Neuroscience
Prof Yasmin Hurd | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA
In Love with Addiction Neuroscience
In ISAM-NIG's new monthly talk series "In-Love with Addicted Brains”, addiction neuroscientists from across the world share their personal stories/experiences on the beauty of addiction neuroscience and how/why they have decided to invest...