
Supporting Students During COVID 19

Video and audio recordings
This webinar presented by Cary Hopkins Eyles covers how to help university students succeed during this difficult time in their education.

Alcohol consumption during the COVID-19 period: May 2020

The aim of this paper is to analyse changes in alcohol consumption since the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We show that the frequency of alcohol consumption during COVID-19 is slightly higher for males than it was 2-3 years previously...

COVID-19 and Alcohol Use

Event Date

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, countries around the world have taken decisive steps to stop the spread of the virus. In these critical circumstances, everyone must be informed about other health risks and hazards so that they can stay safe and healthy.

Live - Dr. Augusto Cury: Como fazer da pandemia uma oportunidade para melhorar nossa vida

Uma das primeiras coisas que fazemos ao acordar é olhar o celular, ver se recebemos mensagens (importantes ou não), dar uma navegada por nossas redes sociais, ligar a televisão e ver as últimas notícias... tudo isso, muitas vezes, antes mesmo de fazermos nossa higiene pessoal e tomar nosso café da manhã.

Nessa época de pandemia e de isolamento social, somos bombardeados com excesso de notícias alarmantes que nos enchem de medo e ansiedades e que, muitas vezes, nos aprisionam.

The Rapidly Changing Composition of the World's Drug Supply and Its Effects on High-Risk for COVID-19

Event Date
United States
The first of two presentations by Thom Browne Jr. (MA Criminal Justice, CEO of Colombo Plan) on the emerging and rapidly-changing properties of illicit drugs and their cutting agents that put substance users worldwide at high-risk for near- and long-term chronic health problems, overdose (fatal & non-fatal), and increased vulnerability to both the acquisition of viruses like COVID-19 and more severe complications from the virus.
Thom Browne

The Rapidly Changing Composition of the World's Drug Supply and Its Effects on High-Risk for COVID-19

It is our pleasure to announce two presentations by Thom Browne Jr. (MA Criminal Justice, CEO of Colombo Plan) on the emerging and rapidly-changing properties of illicit drugs and their cutting agents that put substance users worldwide at high-risk for near- and long-term chronic health problems, overdose (fatal & non-fatal), and increased vulnerability to both the acquisition of viruses like COVID-19 and more severe complications from the virus.

Live: Estratégias de Prevenção ao uso de Drogas em um mundo em pandemia – 02 de junho

“Ficar em casa” ou “Ficar em casa, se puder” têm sido as recomendações para aumentar a proteção e diminuir o risco de disseminação da COVID-19, doença que mudou o mundo em um piscar de olhos.

Para muitas pessoas, esse tipo de mudança brusca pode gerar episódios de ansiedade, momentos de tédio e tristeza. Este confinamento costuma ter consequências mais graves naqueles que têm predisposição a desenvolver quadros de depressão, crises de pânico, compulsões e inclinações a vícios.

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