Lisbon Addictions 2019

Lisbon, Portugal,

The third European conference on addictive behaviours and dependencies will be held in Lisbon from 23–25 October 2019.

The theme of the conference is ‘the future of addictions: new frontiers for policy, practice and science', and is designed to support early-stage researchers move forward in their career. 

The main areas of research are:

  • Futures: identifying and meeting emerging needs; prediction, preparedness, innovations and new challenges;
  • Better practice: improving how we respond; supporting the development and implementation of more effective prevention, treatment, and harm reduction interventions;
  • Better science: aetiology, basic science, neuroscience and pre-clinical studies;
  • Better methods: epidemiology, monitoring estimates and models;
  • Better society: overcoming barriers, effective policies, regulations and laws; culture and context.

The abstract submission platform is open now! 

The conference will involve showcase and poster sessions, workshops and oral presentations, and will provide opportunities for networking and mentoring.

Distinguished scientists and practitioners will attend the event, making it a unique opportunity to collaborate ideas and learn about the most recent research and evidence based practice in the dynamic and challenging field of addiction

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