Unintended Consequences of the Cannabis Panacea: What Addiction Specialists Need to Know


Wednesday, October 28, 2020 @ 3-4:00pm ET (2CT/1MT/12PT)


Hailed as safe, natural and a potential cure-all by the public, both medical and recreational cannabis is quickly becoming legal and mainstream across the country. While it has the potential to help fill state coffers, there are many unintended consequences that will mean big challenges for addiction specialists. This webinar will provide an overview of issues related to cannabis legalization, including: federal limitations on research, variations in potency and routes of administration, adverse impacts on vulnerable populations, current evidence for treating opioid addiction and public safety risks such as driving under the influence. The session will conclude with tips and resources for addressing this issue with patients and their families.

Learning Objectives
  • Recognize current trends in cannabis policies and regulations.
  • Identify emerging cannabis products.
  • Describe unintended and evolving consequences of cannabis legalization.
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