International Congress on AIDS, Covid- 19 and Health Care
Location: Dallas, United States
The conference will allow participants in the society to become acquainted with one another, to share ideas, and to further the development of the field. The meeting will also allow junior scholars an opportunity to network with each other as well as to present their research and discuss with senior scholars. Learning Objectives.
The theme of the conference is “The impact of covid-19, human trafficking, political instability, immigration ban on economic growth”.
Description: There has been recent emphasis on the role of beliefs, motivation, and medication in the treatment of disorders, including substance use disorder and gambling disorder.
Gender-specific treatment programs for substance use: Israel’s approach to addressing specific needs to women’s treatment
Location: Online, Israel
The webinar is organized by CICAD’s Demand Reduction Unit in collaboration with the Israel National Authority for Community Safety. It is aimed at professionals in charge of coordinating or implementing substance use
La realización de este Congreso representa una instancia académica para reunir a expertos/as de la psicología, la antropología y el derecho en torno a los retos y desafíos del ejercicio profesional en el campo jurídico-forense en contextos de diversidad sociocultural.
Alcohol consumption and harms during COVID-19 in four continents
Location: Online
ICARA-led ‘COVID-19 & Substance Use’ webinar. Myths, Lockdowns, Curfews & Bans: Alcohol consumption & harms during COVID-19 in 4 continents.
We warmly invite you to join us online on Tuesday 17 August, 11.00-12.30 BST for the webinar Myths, Lockdowns, Curfews & Bans: Alcohol consumption & harms during COVID-19 in four continents.
Special Interest Group on the Prevention of Substance Use during the Perinatal Period
Location: Washington, D.C., United States
To foster the exchange of best practices, discuss current research efforts and collaborations, and address challenges and opportunities to advance the field, you are invited to join a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting on the Prevention of Substance Use during the Perinatal Period.
ISSUP Argentina invites you to participate in a webinar on evidence-based community interventions.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. (Argentina Time).
August 19, 2021, 18:00 - 19:00 hrs (Argentina time)
Location: Online
Kính chào quý anh chị,
Hiện nay, tình trạng trẻ hóa đối tượng hút thuốc lá ngày càng gia tăng, đặc biệt là ở lứa tuổi thanh thiếu niên. Điều này gây ra nhiều hệ quả nghiêm trọng, không chỉ ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe mà còn làm gia tăng một số vấn đề xã hội.
Mặt khác, sử dụng thuốc lá sớm cho thấy nguy cơ cao dẫn đến việc sử dụng các chất như: heroin, hàng đá,... trong độ đuổi trưởng thành. Vì vậy, dự phòng và can thiệp sớm ở nhóm dân số này là rất quan trọng.
Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth: Evidence-Based Interventions
Location: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
The global data indicates that the age of starting tobacco usage is decreasing rapidly. This not only has been causing many serious health consequences but is also increasing a lot of social issues. On the other hand, early use shows a high risk of leading to the use of other substances such as heroin in adulthood. Therefore, prevention and early intervention in this population are very crucial. In order to contribute to promoting the youth tobacco use prevention program in the near future in Vietnam, VHATTC organizes an online session on "Preventing Tobacco Use Among Youth: Evidence-Based Interventions".
Trust in Your Gut – Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory in Therapy and Relapse Prevention
Location: Online
Description: The Polyvagal Theory of Stephen Porges, PhD, has been with us for 25 years, but the practical application to therapy has been slow to develop. Porges’ research eloquently describes the dual role of the Vagus nerve in regulating the autonomic nervous system, and how it functions subliminally as part of our “social engagement system.” This workshop will explore how this seminal research can be operationalized to help patients recovering from substance use disorders, PTSD, attachment disorders and emotional dysregulation.
A través de este medio te hacemos una cordial invitación a participar en la 4ª. Sesión Clínica del 2021 organizada por la Facultad de Psicología (UNAM) y
la Unidad de Reducción de la Demanda de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control de Abuso de Drogas, titulada:
Mujer con antecedentes de consumo de sustancias y sobreviviente de violencia
Adjuntamos invitación y detalles del evento:
Fecha: Viernes 27 de agosto del 2021.
Hora: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm (06:00-UTC) Tiempo de la Ciudad de México.
Advances in Technology in the Addiction Profession, Part V: Connection? Can an App Really Do That?
Location: Online
Description: An increased number of clients present with depression and anxiety, which results from - or may be caused by - social isolation and loneliness. As clinicians, the goal is to decrease symptoms and help make connections between feelings and behavior. Can an app help clinicians better help their clients?
To mark International Overdose Awareness Day on 31st of August 2021, the International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the World Health Organization, will present an online event profiling naloxone programmes as a pathway for improving outcomes in the treatment of opioid dependence, overdose reduction, and saving lives.
International Overdose Awareness Day is a global event held on 31 August each year and aims to raise awareness of overdose and reduce the stigma of a drug-related death.
Learning from International Smokefree Homes Research
Location: Online
This event presents two international smoke-free homes projects and discusses the learning from them for research, practice and policy.
About this event
Professor Kamran Siddiqi, University of York, UK - What can we learn from a large trial of smoke-free home interventions (MCLASS II) in Dhaka Bangladesh?
Dr Emilia Abidin, Universiti Putra Malaysia - MyFamily MySmoke: Supporting men who smoke at home to take it right outside
This seminar, aimed at technicians and professionals who work in the field of substance use, seeks to share the results and the experience of adaptation and implementation of the Icelandic prevention model in 6 Chilean communes, in addition to addressing the challenges of considering this model as a public policy.