Neurobiology of Addiction

ISSUP Lebanon Updates - Jan-Jun 2021
On February 2021, ISSUP Lebanon hosted its first webinar of the year entitled, ‘Prevention of Drug Use and Other Risky Behaviours in Youth: From Evidence to Policy and Programs’, with Lilian Ghandour, Associate Professor of Epidemiology at the American University of Beirut on substance use epidemiology and evidence-based prevention programs.
Webinar | Addictive Behaviors: Prevention and Treatment during COVID-19 Pandemic
Webinar | Addictive Behaviors: Prevention and Treatment during COVID-19 Pandemic

Webinar | Prevention of Drug Use and other Risky Behaviours in Youth: Data-Based Planning for Effective Prevention
Webinar | Prevention of Drug Use and other Risky Behaviours in Youth: Data-Based Planning for Effective Prevention

ISSUP Lebanon Updates - 2020
Webinar | Family Skills for Prevention of Substance Use, Mental Health and Violence and for Development, including under COVID-19
Webinar | Family skills for Prevention of Substance Use, Mental Health and Violence and for Development, including under COVID-19